My UPSC Interview Experience
With DGP Mr. Sylendra Babu IPS , who helped a lot in my UPSC interview preparation
Getting the interview call was itself a great joy and I made up my mind that this has to be my last attempt. I haven’t had any experience of facing interviews except for the placement interview in college.
Before the Interview
Though I had 60 days to prepare , I was full of doubts about how would I face the interview board. I was scared of facing and being judged by people most of whom’s minimum years of experience would be greater than my age itself.
During the course of 2 months, I got appointments to meet civil servants who gave me inputs of what the board actually expects from the candidates. I had given 6 mock interviews, feedbacks were mostly positive and I was pretty confident.
I booked the flight tickets well in advance. It was my first flight ever and when the pilot announced that we were cruising at 34000 feet, I did not care much as I was flying several times higher than that dreaming about my final results.
I had reached Delhi 2 days prior to the interview so that I get used to the weather and other stuffs. My plans to revise all the notes in these 2 days went in vain because I was nervous after hearing the experience of candidates who had just given their interviews.
On the day of the Interview
I had a good night’s sleep and woke up with all positive vibes. I was not able to decide what to wear, suit or just a white shirt. I dropped the idea of wearing the suit and started for UPSC.
Candidates were taking pictures outside the UPSC building and finally they let us in at 9:00. 30 candidates for the morning session and the list said I was the last person in my board. Waiting for 4 hours before going in made me tired and anxious. I was called in at 1:05 PM.
The board chairman started with a factual question :
What is the function of mercury in electronic circuits? ( My graduation being ECE) .
Sorry Sir I don’t know.
Why is silver used in electronic circuits?
Sorry Sir I cannot remember.
It was not a good start and the Chairman’s dismayed look made me sad. Questions from other members were also mostly factual. I tried to maintain a smiling face - the only thing I could do at that situation. I gave decent answers to some opinion based questions like Is USA a reliable partner? How to improve relationship with Gulf countries?
The interview was over in just 20 minutes and I was not at all satisfied with the way it happened. I walked out of UPSC, rushed to my room and buried myself in bed. I could feel disappointment filling me. Will all the hardwork of 2 years go in vain? I kept asking this question to myself. But I had to pick myself up and roamed around Delhi for the next 2 days before flying back Chennai, this time at a much lower altitude than what the pilot announced.
After the Interview
I was asked by my seniors to immediately start preparing for the next Prelims as UPSC is always uncertain. I made up my mind that I will not touch the books whatever be the results. Deciding to remain positive I spent my time seeing good movies,visiting friends and hanging out.
I knew that interview did not go as expected and what has happened was out of my control. So I stopped worrying and motivated myself by remembering Will smith’s quote “ Being Realistic is the most common path to mediocrity “ . I had to keep the reality at bay and make myself believe that I had already cleared the civil services exam with a good rank.
The results turned up to be positive and I had finally made it into IAS.
It was indeed not a very good interview experience , but these 3 months have made me realise the truth behind Thiruvalluvar’s saying “ Development will drive itself to those who have unshakable motivation “ .